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May 1, 1945

According to Harry E. Bennett, a couple or more Japanese are still emerging from the ancient tunnels below Fort Santiago and the Walled City. Merely skin and bones, they aren't being taken prisoner. Harry used to explore the tunnels years ago. Skulls and bones dating to Spanish days could be seen even then.

Hans, back from Leyte, Mindanao, Palawan and Mindoro, said he lunched with Roxas and one other Filipino Colonel last Sunday. Roxas was staying out of the government because he didn't think it could last if independence was granted without trade preferences. On Osmeña, Roxas said: That son of a.... If Osmeña doesn't do the right thing now, I'm going to chase him right out of politics.

When the CIC wanted to question Roxas, he insisted that it be done in MacArthur's presence — and so it was arranged. As for the collaboration issue, Roxas said the CIC had better begin by arresting him first. MacArthur said the procedure was chosen by Roosevelt and would stand so there was no point making an issue about it. Roxas said he was interested in saving only Yulo and Alunan from maltreatment because they were not cooperators. Along with Recto, they have been sent to Palawan with 2,000 alleged collaborators!

How did Roxas and others get out of Japanese hands? A Japanese Kempeitai Captain, Kujiyama, voluntarily freed them. He told us one night to beat it at around a certain hour ... after he got the garrison drunk. Invited to join them, Kujiyama said it was his duty to stay and fight. They left that night for a four-day trek through the mountains guided by Igorot guerrillas.

Yesterday, the Mexico City steamed into port with Georgie and Manny Sotelo in the crew. The ship was bound for San Francisco but went to Hollandia and back instead. So how was the trip? "Swell ... $10 a day ... and you can work out extras." Both gained considerable weight in their 20-day trip. Georgie raved about Hollandia's beautiful roads and MacArthur's "honey" of a place; the swimming area is a popular resort. Both boys were fired and immediately rehired today — something to do with them not being citizens on a US-bound ship.