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August 17, 1944

"Agreement reached on use of buildings by Japanese forces.... Requests for private residences in City will be coursed through housing body."

Not only were the Japanese meeting opposition, anger and insults on their house inspections, whole neighborhoods united and started treating them insolently. So they negotiated a four-point agreement with the government — all in their favor, of course — and it was done out of "respect" for which "the Japanese authorities hold the rights of Filipino citizens." We are supposed to "reciprocate" by cooperating with the Filipino government "in the performance of its Treaty obligations."

La Vanguardia's joke of the month: "The fight continues in Guadalcanal, where an heroic Japanese unit continues to defend its positions." It's even "prominently" splashed in all metropolitan Tokyo dailies. I remember Daihon-ei said Guadalcanal was evacuated in 1942.