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August 18, 1944

Two weeks ago, a truck was ready in Manila to deliver materials for a government exhibition in Pamplona, Cagayan Valley. The exhibition started last week, but the truck is still here. Not even the government can get alcohol, you see; the Japanese haven't distributed any for almost a month.

Public Pulser Vicente Coloso was impressed at seeing a streetcar conductor give out receipts (new ones straight out of the receipt book) to him and other passengers when no inspector was present. He suggests some form of company appreciation is due. I can't figure out if he's being cynical or earnest.

New restrictions have been placed on provincianos entering Manila, even for business. A P1,000 fine would be imposed.

News: Davao was bombed for the second day in a row — seventh time all told. Other areas hit were the Kuriles, Bonins, Marianas, Nauru, Halmahera, Rabaul and Bougainville. Roosevelt said Germany and Japan "will be occupied" even if they surrender before the Allies get there. This must've shaken the Japanese more than the 1923 earthquake.