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August 1, 1944

Tribune: "President Laurel greets Burma on her first Freedom Anniversary." Condolences are in order, I should think.

"Attempts to reinforce troops in Hengyang foiled" — then so are Japanese attempts to take Hengyang.

"City water only partly filtered" — use home filters or boil the water. The poor will have to find extra fuel.

Commentator is absent for the third day in a row; a pity because the paper is dull today.

Carlos Preysler was taken to Fort Santiago at midnight. The Japanese came quietly, scaled the fence, and burst through the door. I know of a few others who'll be next.

I imagine that friends complaining about Japanese pestering and house grabbing must be keeping Recto quite busy. I understand Manoling Garcia in Gilmore Avenue stood up to them: "I'm a Filipino and this is a Filipino property, and I will leave only when told to by the Filipino Republic." I wonder if the Japanese were impressed. Manoling is wondering too.