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July 31, 1944

A well-prepared blitz on moneychangers recently filled up Fort Santiago. They can buy their way out upon payment of a certain sum — the Japanese know exactly how much they can afford to pay.

The fears of Manga Avenue bore fruit yesterday. The Japanese entered the house of the Campos-Rueda family, inspected all the rooms and announced they would take it. It's a gorgeous house at the dead-end side of the street. The family is begging for reconsideration. The whole street has the jitters. I believe we are next.

Signs of the times: Increasing numbers of beggars and "Japanese transport units" on the streets. The latter sleep next to their cargo if the trip can't be completed by nightfall. So many people now ride on the outside of streetcars that a tragedy can be expected. Rumors say the alcohol ration for civilians will be stopped, and the water will only be partially filtered. The screws are gradually being tightened around us.