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June 24, 1944

The Tribune leads with the Marianas' report from Daihon-ei.

"Administration adopts 2-point rice program": more confiscations and more production. In place of Horai rice, we have a new super-seedling named after Manuel Roxas, to the great man's embarrassment. "100 [community] kitchens now operated in city."

La Vanguardia: The Germans speak of a heavy Russian attack north and south of Vitebsk in what they term the start of the Summer Offensive.

News: Cherbourg still stands, but not for long. U.S. subs sink 16 more, damage and probably sink a carrier with three torpedo hits.

A joke on the streets says the betting is now 2:1 that Toyoda and Commentator will commit hara-kiri within 30 days. Another says the prayer of the German Army is: "Lord, give us food like the Americans eat, clothes like the British have, equipment as plentiful as the Russians get, and an enemy like the Italians."

About 70 ships are in Manila — mostly merchantmen plus 5-7 warships and 2 hospital ships. More stuff is being unloaded than shipped out, including old anti-aircraft guns. Ten big piles of cases — probably shells — have been unloaded. A raid on the Bay and Port Area would reap rich rewards.

When Father Theo was in Fort Santiago, he shared a cell with a 19-year-old youth who had no idea why he had been detained and kept there for 45 days. A quick word to the Japanese and the youth was released a few days later — without ever being questioned.