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June 23, 1944

Tribune: "Germans shell U.S. tank units." The trapped Germans in Cherbourg are the ones getting shelled.

"Enemy barges off Saipan heavily raided" — by Japanese planes that then safely returned to their bases. (What bases?)

"Importance of scientists is emphasized," says Laurel, still on a tangent.

After a day spent running down the details, below are the results of the Naval Battle off the Marianas that didn't take place because the Japanese Navy RAN AWAY — but not quite fast enough:

Japanese losses — one large carrier sunk and three damaged; three tankers sunk and two left burning; one Kongo class battleship heavily damaged; three cruisers and three destroyers damaged; and 15 to 20 planes. A number of the damaged vessels including one carrier are believed to have sunk.

One American battleship "sustained surface damage," and I believe two carriers suffered minor damage earlier in the week. U.S. planes made a long-range attack on the fleeing fleet and returned to their carriers in the dark! The 49 planes lost include many that ditched due to fuel exhaustion or the inability to find their carriers.

A few Japanese warships limped into Manila Bay this morning, including one large battleship or battle cruiser. Aircraft patrolled overhead all day — a record day of air activity over Manila.

In contrast, Daihon-ei's broadcast of the naval "battle" two evenings ago claims sinking or heavily damaging 5 American carriers and one battleship; shooting down 100 planes (June 19 and 20) against own losses of one aircraft carrier, two auxiliary tankers and 50 planes.