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June 22, 1944

Tribune: "Japanese forces counter-attack in Saipan.... Strong reinforcements including tanks landed to meet foe.... U.S. admits attack on task force but is silent on losses." Two lies: no reinforcements were landed and Nimitz admitted losses as one warship lightly damaged. For their part, the Japanese have not specified their losses in the Marianas, not to mention Palau or the Bonins.

Here's a good one: "The spearhead of the Japanese forces even penetrated deeply into the enemy bridgehead." They must have gone clear through the beach and into the ocean!

Commentator is back: He's concerned that the U.S. Navy has come out to the Marianas with "the entire body of her available fleet power" to challenge the Japanese. "We earnestly desire that the MYSTERIOUS IMPERIAL GRAND FLEET will soon pounce upon the fully mobilized Nimitz Fleet and doom it to that same fate suffered by the Halsey Fleet."

"New agency formed to replace Primco" — Nadisco [National Commodities Procurement and Distribution Corporation]. "Rice owners file claims." Remember the 143,630 confiscated sacks of rice and mostly palay? The palay was seed being kept for the next planting!

The exchange rate went from 8:1 last week to 13:1. A friend who speculated on beans was tickled pink because they had already appreciated by 50%. I didn't tell him he'd make a loss if he sold — the value of currency declined faster than the price of his beans rose. Five days ago a man asked me what the price for "genuine" was. I answered: "Whatever anyone offers." Instead of accepting my advice, he kept asking for quotes as the rate dropped from 9 to 13. A victory in the Marianas could see it reach 20:1.

Flash: American planes caught up with the Japanese fleet 800 miles west of the Marianas (750 miles from the P.I.) just before dusk last. It's already apparent the Japanese will not accept a naval battle.