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June 25, 1944

Lots of Spitfire-nosed fighters are around — probably brought by the carrier that arrived recently. At least fifty others flew in from the north yesterday. These are extremely light planes, very maneuverable, armed with about four 30-mm machine guns. I doubt if the motor has more than 600 hp. There's much conscientious patrolling in the morning and almost none in the afternoon.

By simply reversing all known war results, Commentator arrives at the conclusion that the Axis has attained a big edge. With his usual impeccable timing, he penned the following lines 24 hours after the Russians started their summer offensive:

We see such a tranquil atmosphere in the Eastern Front for the first time in the last three years that one might doubt if Joseph Stalin this time has determined to be merely an onlooker and to shift the brunt of the German onslaught to his colleagues, Churchill and Roosevelt.

From Pasay comes definite word that twelve to fourteen bodies of Filipinos (with their hands tied) were fished out of Manila Bay and brought by carretelas right past the Malate Church this afternoon. Some say they were executed for starting the oil tank fires a couple of days ago.