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April 6, 1944

The situation as I see it for various nationalities:

JAPANESE: Tiring under the strain, spiritually ready for the last pull. Unable to understand why the Filipinos are not for them; conscious of the animosity of third-party nationals but able to understand them. Beginning to understand the lurking disaster that seems close ahead. Determined to do or die, pinning their hopes on the Mikado and destiny.

FILIPINOS: Straining under the leash. Suffering untold hardships in an atmosphere as depressing as it is pregnant with hope. Living only for the morrow but growing bitter at their barely sustainable existence. Torn with confusion, conflicting loyalties; hammered by undying propaganda and staggering under poor leadership. Anxious for revenge against the Japanese, and probably ready to take a few cracks at third party nationals, mestizos, and not a few rich Filipinos as well.

THIRD PARTY NATIONALS: Stewing near the kettle; uncomfortably warm and undefinably helpless. Hoping for the best, ready for the worst, whistling in the dark and keeping their tears dry. The scapegoat of Japanese and Filipinos alike — quite often guilty too — living only in the present and fearful of the coming transition, when the merest slip will mean the end of life and love. Sympathetic with the Filipinos but unable to get the point across to them.

ALL OF US TOGETHER: Wondering whether an invasion is coming and what it will mean. Will we be forced to evacuate our homes? Will the city be under siege, and where will we get food from? Will there be much looting?