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April 5, 1944

Here it is! Announcement by Daihon-ei yesterday at 1500: "Six U.S. Warships Blasted ... 140 Foe planes are shot down by Nippon Forces.... Meanwhile the enemy air-raided Palau, Yap and Moen Islands from March 30 to April 1" — not to mention the Marshalls, East Carolines, Bismarck group and New Guinea. Page 1: Impregnable bastions of Greater East Asia in equatorial Pacific not only withstood the desperate attacks of the enemy task force without a tremor but also dealt a crippling blow on the sea and air units."

News: The U.S. Navy is mum; MacArthur gloats over Hollandia where the Japanese lost 288 planes in four raids. Every plane that was there has been accounted for ... and none will fly again, he said.

Alex Bachrach is making and selling 100 gallons of vinegar a day — he estimates Manila's consumption to be 2,000 gallons a day. Recently he obtained a permit to buy sugar from Negros if he could ship it in. He bought 229 sacks at P30 each — easily worth P350 a sack in Manila. Even with the Constabulary guarding the shipment, 80 sacks managed to disappear during the transfer from the batel to his bodegas. He's philosophical about it.