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April 1, 1944

Ambassador Murata met the leading Swiss last Tuesday afternoon at the Manila Hotel — just to get acquainted. The buffet was rich: turkey, duck, chicken, ham, sausages, potato salad, garnishes, all the liquors. More than one Swiss today is suffering from indigestion.

How to lose 75% of your savings: A Buy and Sell man converted P4,000 military of his earnings into P1,000 genuine, and stashed it in a friend's safe. The friend, unfortunately, ended up in Fort Santiago, and in the ensuing investigation, the envelope of cash was found. Called in to explain, the Buy and Sell man said it was just some prewar money he was keeping.

"Maybe you prefer Filipino bills to Japanese notes," suggested the Japanese interrogator.

"No, no," replied our hero. "They're both the same."

"No difference?" asks the now smiling Japanese.

"None," says our hero, swallowing audibly.

"OK," said the investigator. He instructed an aide to exchange the bills in the bank and return P1,000 military to the Buy and Sell man.

. . . .

At the German Club, a showdown took place between the Nazis and ordinary Germans. Club President Max Kummer, a member of the latter group, called a vote — and won 46 to 21. The Nazis promptly said they would cable the results to Berlin and the German Embassy in Tokyo.

Tribune: "Japan-Russia Pact Signed.... Fishery Treaty Extended Five years; Oil Interests Ceded." There go our hopes of Russia fighting Japan.

"Imphal-Kohima Road Blocked," 40 kilometers north of Imphal, blocking reinforcements from India. The British described it as guerilla raids and ambushes by advance Japanese guards.

"Today's Topic," by Observer — probably Commentator (Saito): Japan expected to sweep out the ABCD [America, Britain, China, and Dutch East Indies] from the Philippines, Malaya, NEI, Burma and other South East Asian territories in three to six months. "But actually, the strategic objectives were attained in much less time than expected." Wrong — it took four months to get Bataan, five for Corregidor and even longer to mop up the Visayas. He said nothing about Australia, the Solomons, Ceylon or India.

We had a practice air raid at 1430. A partial blackout applies all night tonight. At 2045, I took a walk and ran into a convoy of Japanese heavy-duty trucks traveling blacked-out and heading for the city — some towing big cannons. The Japanese appear to be shifting defense equipment south — much of it to reinforce the Legaspi area, and maybe Mindanao.
