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April 2, 1944

Tribune: "Auchinleck admits Japanese penetrated deeper into India" — all about his report that Tiddim has fallen to the Japanese. The Japanese quote Mountbatten's communiqué and, for once, stick to the truth because it favors them.

The inaugural edition of a new "Tribune News Weekly" is out for provincial readers — eight pages for 20 centavos — "Pay No More."

Palau is sparking rumors about Mindanao being next. Our Bay is clear of ships; the bombers recently seen have gone too; and more equipment headed south during tonight's practice blackout. Radio reception is impossible — we've no news.

. . . .

After last night's showdown in the German Club, Winkler accepted the hospitality of four German members and let them use his carretela. You can imagine the mood they were in. They already had too much to drink, and continued to do so in Hydepriem's apartment — until Winkler collapsed and started to throw up.

Morning came and Hydepriem got up to find two of the group had gone home in Winkler's carretela, and his apartment was a mess. Giving vent to his pent-up emotions, he picked on Winkler. "Oh! You German ... d-damned sonofabitch! You would vomit all over my floors! Why you... you damned Jew! You POLE! You... damned Hungarian...!" And together with his remaining companion, they proceeded to give Winkler a terrific lacing. Winkler's right eye was closed; glasses smashed to smithereens; suffering from palpitations he somehow made it to Dr. Abad for treatment, where he almost collapsed.

His recourse is a formal protest to the Club, demanding compensation for glasses and doctor's bills, and an apology. He's no Nazi ... but this is only on paper. He definitely is German. How the Club members feel about the sordid situation can best be summed up by a quote of one Nazi member: "Oh gosh," he moaned, "just think how the Swiss and Jews will laugh at us!" He should've added almost everyone else — except the Japs.
