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January 16, 1944

Tribune: "Japs blast foe bases in Solomons" — Munda and Torokina. They create a lot of damage and lose one plane. In contrast, we raid Rabaul on January 14 with 160 planes and lose 65, including 18 probables, while the Japanese lose only 3 planes and suffer no damages.

"Primco will reward holders of unused cloth ration tickets." These people (including me) are "honest citizens," you see. Actually, I searched all over for something to buy and found nothing.

Editorial: "The Game is Up" — referring to the Buy and Sell boys. The Editorial hopes they will go back to the provinces and work the farms. Schaer told me: "In 1-1/2 years, today is the worst day for business we've had at the Astoria." The Buy and Sell crowd spent lavishly when business was good.