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January 17, 1944

La Vanguardia: "223 enemy submarines destroyed by Japan to date" — a great embarrassment to Tokyo after the U.S. announcement that only 17 have been lost! Even including N.E.I. and British subs, the figure couldn't be more than 50, but Tokyo must publish what its navy says, right or wrong. And it's mostly wrong.

Kessler saw a Japanese food truck go by the Standard Grocery. Two Filipinos on the truck discreetly threw a sack of sweet potatoes overboard to two waiting boys. I'm told that it happens often. For the record, the Community Kitchens served 587,601 meals to the poor in 14 days.

Cruz spotted an old American friend walking in the Escolta. Forgetting himself, he rushed over, pumped his hand, and before the astonished internee could warn him off, began handing over a cigar. The cigar never reached its destination. The internee's Japanese escort slapped it off his wrist. Startled, Cruz almost hit back, but wisely retreated to the Astoria, where I saw him being consoled by friends.