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November 24, 1943

Tribune: "Bose Raps Dollar Imperialism." He tells us to "follow Japan's lead."

Maurice showed up unexpectedly at noon looking like a hobo — no sleep or bath since he left Legaspi six days ago. With the trains down, he used any and every method of transportation possible. He did what everyone told him couldn't be done all alone with five bags of stuff and a parrot — the third he's brought back so far. It was an epic and harrowing voyage. He's going back on the road in a couple of days with Manny Sotelo for one last trip. If they make it they will have made a tidy sum. Many an enterprising and daring entrepreneur gave up after finding places like Legaspi and Naga cleaned out. Maurice went further — all the way to Masbate. His return, alive, started a rush to Masbate by the others. If only Maurice had a bit more capital he would have really cleaned up.

Guerrillas are still active on land and sea — "pirates" — the latter are called. Most of the shooting is between the guerrillas and the Constabulary — Filipino against Filipino — with the Japanese happy to remain in the background. All Constabulary headquarters have elaborate three-foot wide defensive barricades.

The burning of Naga last spring or summer was a wonder. Two thousand guerrillas (200 of them armed) descended on the town defended by a mere 50 Japanese. The latter escaped and returned with reinforcements but by then the town was burned to a frizzle and the guerrillas were gone.

In Donsol the guerrillas fought the Constabulary for three days. Most of the townspeople fled but a few remained on the beaches — wading in waist-high water when the action got close. Guerrillas dismantled parts from the Bicol Express locomotive and took 'em to the mountains.

The towns of Pilar and Burias are well under the control of guerrillas. The only "free" area is Lucena. In Samar every time the Japanese land the people flee to the mountains. Military currency is not recognized or used there — you are viewed with suspicion if you have it.