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September 1, 1943

It's the 643rd day of the war, and no, I can't say that it seems like yesterday either.

Tribune: "5,600 enemy soldiers killed, wounded; 358 planes downed ... Japs inflict heavy losses on foe in New Guinea." I gather from this bit of fantasy that the Japanese are preparing to evacuate Salamaua soon.

"Guerrillas struggle futilely, foolishly, declares Straughn" in an article with his signature. Let me add that the Propaganda Department struggles even more foolishly.

Mike, our waiter at the Astoria, showed up after disappearing for a while. The Japanese had called every able-bodied man above the age of fifteen from his area, and put them through a four-day mini-rejuvenation program of exercise and talks. At the end, they were asked to surrender all arms in their possession. Four in Mike's group surrendered pistols, but it's believed that they were plants in order to encourage the others.