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August 28, 1943

Three shots were fired in the Tennessee Street incident — all accidental. MPs and Constabulary men had surrounded a whole block, but their prey slipped through the cordon. The Japanese thought they had cornered the notorious Capt. Navarro, who once said that they would never take him alive. At the start of his desperate career long ago, he came home one night and found his wife hanging by a rope. Although it's said that he never found out how it happened, he blames the Japanese for it.

The Paco incident was about Vicente Domingo, a dentist, who's on the run. He had once been questioned in Fort Santiago, maybe even tortured. This time three Japanese MPs and an interpreter went to question him. Knowing that his goose was cooked, Domingo distracted them, snatched one of their guns, and shot two MPs and the interpreter as the fourth man ran away. All Manila has the same story.

Heard from a former clerk of Placido Mapa that he sent in his resignation to the Japanese. Placido wants to quit the government before independence is granted.