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August 27, 1943

Yesterday a Japanese man was shot around Tennessee Street, and last night three more were killed in Paco. MPs and Constabulary were all over the place making a nuisance of themselves. They stopped vehicles and searched occupants in the usual haphazard manner.

I was already in a bad mood because I had slipped on a banana peel and hurt my operation scar. Coming home on the last bus we were stopped and this time really searched. A Constabulary man laid a huge paw on my scar — jolting the both of us. In the comedic scene that followed as we lined up to re-board the bus one confused passenger walked with his hands still on his head. Everyone laughed and I was in stitches — painful ones. Then a group from a carretela joined our line by mistake and we laughed again. Barely a kilometer away we were stopped and searched again, only this time by a vicious Japanese MP who handled everyone roughly. Since this was near home I pointed in the direction I wished to go, but he shook his head and indicated that I should follow the crowd. As I did my crepe-soled shoes slipped on the wet gutter and down I went for another jolt.

All frustrated now I took a chance and walked across the street to buy an avocado to take home. It cost me a whole peso but at least it was fresh. Approaching home it struck me that the black avocado looked like a pistol in my hand. I looked up to see a Constabulary man glaring and beginning to level his rifle. I should have been scared but it was all too ludicrous. Grinning, I held the avocado up for him to see.