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August 26, 1943

The Toho film is using uniformed POWs and old American tanks in downtown Manila, and you can guess the attitude of spectators. Today the Japanese had enough and hauled about a dozen society girls into Fort Santiago for ogling the POWs and throwing them cigarettes. Mr. Schulthess, the top Swiss of Zuellig & Co., was arrested too. The consensus is the girls will get questioned, Schulthess will get a few slaps, then all will be allowed to go home.

An update from Father Theo: Goods for the POWs now have to be turned over to the Japanese for distribution so he can't guarantee that packages will reach intended recipients. Seven American Jesuits from Ateneo including the Superior, Father Hurley, are in Fort Santiago for some unknown reason. Meanwhile there's no electricity in the Seminary since the wires nearby were stolen again last week.

La Vanguardia writes about 10,000 casualties suffered by the Americans in New Georgia and Vella Lavella: "The ... enemy forces that disembarked in Rendova, New Georgia, and Vella Lavella, are totally isolated and are only offering negative resistance against Japanese counter-attacks." The 10,000 dead do not include deaths due to illness, which they estimate to be another 10,000!