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July 22, 1943

Tribune: "Bombing of Rome provokes world-wide indignation" — articles are from Rome, Syonan, Buenos Aires, Shanghai and Tokyo — all in the same Domei language, and not one word that bombs hit anything but churches, hospitals, schools, cemeteries and residences.

Commentator: "Ruthless ... indiscriminate ... wanton barbarism ... utter moral and spiritual bankruptcy ... sheer desperation and vandalism ... degenerate mentality ... contemptible and devilish...."

La Vanguardia's coverage breaks all Japanese records for continuous propaganda, surpassing even the fall of Singapore. Even Piani and O'Doherty were asked to write something, and Hori woke up from his recent stupor to add his comments. Japan is now the champion of Christianity!

Another killing reported by an unimpeachable source: A fellow went to the house of Pio Duran's close friend and asked for the resident, saying he had a message from the local Neighborhood Association Leader. Duran's friend showed his face and was promptly shot.