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July 17, 1943

Tribune: "Army prescribes death penalty to gun toters." Surrender your firearms or face execution if you're caught.

Commander Tashiro (Navy Information Department) says the Americans have been drawn into a trap where the Japanese Navy will crush them. Meanwhile, Japanese "hydroplanes" are striking "terror into the enemy," even downing superior P-38s. [Last year it was biplanes — next year it'll be gliders.]

Commentator says the "P.I. would have been worse off if Japan had not come over." We would have been "isolated" [as we are now]. We would have less merchant transport "tonnage" [but now we can't even import and our exports go unpaid]. Our economy would have "gone to pieces" [as it has today]. "Inflation would have come" [boy, has it ever]. "Commodity prices would have fallen" [they are sky-high now]. "And sugar [being abundant] would have rotted in the fields" [we can't even buy it now].

E.M. admits the press is censored but says it's necessary to build 'Our Tomorrow' [on a bed of lies].

"Mayor Raymundo Galicia, of Orani, Bataan, recently converted his office into a library and provided it with a newspaper rack. News-hungry folks need no longer be misled by rumors.... They can read the Tribune free of charge" [and be directly misled].

What's News? Stalin says the Russians are on the move and won't stop until they reach German soil. FDR and Churchill gave Italy an ultimatum: Get out of the war and live as a nation ... or be destroyed.