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July 15, 1943

"Victory assured, Premier tells Council Delegates" — with one billion East Asians behind Japan, including the Philippines. E.M. in Our Tomorrow: "Can we deny that there are some among us who are wishfully thinking that it is possible for us to enjoy neutrality after we become independent?"

Tokyo says the Americans were forced to start their South Pacific offensive one year ahead of schedule due to domestic difficulties and political considerations. So the counter-attack should stop "within this year," and in the meantime, the landing operations are developing in "Japan's favor."

The Commentator, misquoting Reuters, is looking forward to a decisive sea battle now that Japan has gained control of the air. As for Sicily: "We have no hesitation in reiterating that the present landing attempt of the anti-Axis [forces] will fail utterly in Sicily."

Meanwhile, in the most tortured Spanish, La Vanguardia says that Axis troops are reinforcing while the Allies struggle "to transport troops towards the Axis in the mountains south of Catania" — advancing in other words, and that's after being annihilated on the beachheads!

Local News: The father in law of Roces Jr. is also dead. That makes four — two shot and two in the aftermath. Guerrillas machine-gunned the Bicol train to Manila, killing five. Flores of the BPI was knifed to death — slashed 32 times at his home. His wife pleaded for mercy but was told: "Sorry ... orders from above."