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July 14, 1943

Tribune: "Enemy loses three cruisers in night battle off Solomons.... Nippon Navy routs strong fleet off Kolambangara Island." Manila notes it happened north of Kolambangara.

"Sicily defenders push back foe," says an Italian communiqué dated July 12 — any coincidence between it and the truth being purely accidental.

"Information Bureau Established." The Japanese are giving us plenty of information already, only it isn't doing them any good.

"Military Police Arrest Gang of Killers" — Maximo Reyes and associates — the first mention of the shooting of Tan Tian Hong in the press.

The Vice President of the Indian Association is in critical condition after being shot yesterday. The first bullet grazed his shoulder. He fled from his shop towards the police station with the assailant close behind, holding his fire to avoid hitting bystanders. As they neared the station the assailant pumped two bullets into him. On hearing the shots, the police at the station had assumed they were the target and dropped to the floor.

Flores, of the Bank of the Philippine Islands, who I've known for years, was also killed. He was quite discreet so I don't know why they got him, but he had studied in Japan and spoke the language.

In a recent meeting, Mayor Guinto, urged some action and wailed out:

"They're shooting us like flies.

"What can we do?" answered Paredes, then added smugly, "Anyway, I'm told I'm last on the list."

Schaer was questioned by the Filipino Secret Service for two hours today. As we suspected, the Japanese killed in Santa Mesa some time ago was the fellow who beat him up.