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March 18, 1943

For a monthly fee of P150, the Japanese had proposed to take over the salt factory of William Ick and his partner — both German-born naturalized Filipinos. The boys felt insulted, but came up with a brilliant scheme. Take the factory temporarily without payment, they said, and the German government will present a bill to the Japanese government after the war. Well, they just told Schaer they made a big mistake.

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Tonight I had supper at the Connors. While I didn't exactly turn up empty-handed, they overwhelmed me with a supper I'll not forget in a long time. Bouillon, Chicken Timbale with mock potatoes [white camote], and tomato salad with cream. The toasted poto [rice cakes] tasted perfectly like bread. And for dessert ... genuine Crepes Suzette — ten times better than the Restaurant de Paris used to serve before the war. Years from now I shall remember that my best supper was at the hands of American internees in Manila, 1943.