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January 5, 1943

Speaking of rackets, Dad is the latest victim of Prime Commodities. He bought 3 cases of heavy all-cotton poplin for 85 centavos a yard some months ago. PC told him to hold it for them, but a Lt. Tanaka started buying — 100-yards at P1.25, 50-yards at P1.20.... In steps PC, saying, No more! Send Tanaka to us. So Tanaka bought 700 yards more via PC, paying P1.00, and we get a PC check that worked out to 70 centavos a yard — a loss.

At the Klingler match factory, the Japanese walked in and placed a couple of people to work there — spies. Grin and bear it.

Believe-it-or-not: Last Sunday at the Quiapo Church, the band played God Bless America after Mass, prior to going out to serenade the neighborhood. This afternoon by the Escolta, an automobile with signs and loudspeakers advertising tonight's boxing matches was playing the U.S. Marines official March — heard it myself.