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January 6, 1943

"P1,000,000 Donated by Army for Upkeep of P.I. Highways," plus P10,000 per month for the maintenance of bridges and roads. I suppose that military reasons have nothing to do with that or the request to Bataan Mayors to get on with reconstruction.

E.M. of Our Tomorrow in "The Scribe" column can't make up his mind. He speaks of "ignoring the fence-sitting fools" in one breath and sacrificing them in the next breath.

The acrimony from Paco Gutierrez was incredible, but he took two small bets against Germany giving up by December 31 and the Axis being kicked out of North Africa by June 30. Viegelmann also dropped into the store as he used to frequently when Stalingrad was under attack. He had the usual fantastic ideas but wouldn't talk about Russia anymore.