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December 28, 1942

Tojo told the Diet that he's "confident of final victory." The unanimous opinion here is that it was a weak speech. Navy Minister Shimada did his part, mostly reviewing past victories. I wonder if the Diet swallowed it whole.

Morato had a terrible time at Fort Santiago, suffered beatings and questionings "at any time of the night," and at one point was so down that he considered asking the Commandant to have him shot. He was so emaciated that his release would've been a scandal, so he was told he'd be freed soon, and in the meantime, he could write his own menu everyday and even telephone his wife — through tapped phones, of course. After his release, Morato said Nagahama was decent fellow, "as different from his predecessor as day is to night."

He saw Hans Menzi being led out a few times with his hands tied. Lately Hans was given the "privilege" of some duties such as cleaning the night pots. At least he can catch some fresh air and keep busy.