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December 4, 1942

Results of the Night Battle off Lunga according to Japan: 1 U.S. battleship and 1 cruiser (Augusta class) sunk, 2 destroyers sunk and 2 more "set ablaze" against own losses of one destroyer sunk. The same battle according to the U.S. Navy: 2 Japanese light cruiser types sunk, 4 destroyers sunk, 2 troop transports and 1 cargo vessel sunk against own losses of 1 cruiser sunk and "several" ships damaged. In La Vanguardia, of course, it's "Another Japanese Naval Triumph."

PiƱol was standing in a streetcar and the lady opposite him fumbled in her purse before taking out a Philippine 10-centavo coin to pay the conductor. The lady next to her mumbled something then exchanged the coin for a military one, pocketing the Philippine coin. We discussed this in the Astoria with three others; not surprisingly, all had a significant stash of Philippine coins.

A subtle 'crack' on British radio: Regarding the liberation of 350 British sailors previously interned in Constantine, Tunis, the announcer said: "The men looked so wretched that at first it was believed they were Italian soldiers offering to surrender."