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December 3, 1942

From Domei-Zurich: "Germans smother new Soviet drive around Stalingrad." When the Germans pause, it's to consolidate gains; when the Russians pause, it's because they've been stopped. But elsewhere is a revealing passage: "Timoshenko's winter offensive was well-planned with well-equipped troops given adequate artillery and air support ... gaining local air mastery." Take away our radios but give us a juicy plum like that once in a while and we'll thrive just the same.

Buried treasures: An old lady buried P170 only to find that white ants had eaten it two months later. Piñol confessed he can't find a coffee tin with money he buried two months before. Schaer buried five cherry bottles with pesos, dollars and jewelry. He dug for two days to find the last bottle — under his wife's newly planted vegetable garden.