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August 23, 1942

Indoctrination for Japanese Language Week:

The Japanese mind, as a rule, does not countenance roughness, bluntness, crookedness. Generally speaking, we don't like extremes in things. Occidental languages are rational and descriptive while the Oriental languages are symbolic and suggestive.... Try to learn Nippongo with a naive frame of mind, just like a child's [underlined].

Long article in the Tribune on the "Failure of Landing Operations in France" and the Solomons ends with the usual comment on the "complete isolation of Australia." And, "Should there be any Filipino who still believes in the possibility of U.S. troops making a landing in the Philippines, he should correct this mistaken idea."

Davao stores are opening daily for only two hours (0600 to 0800) as the city is practically out of merchandise. To buy anything one must get a purchase order from City Hall.

Maurice and Berting Roces left early today for Capiz, Iloilo, and Negros on a 45-ton batel, hoping to make a good profit selling soap and matches. Hardships are guaranteed and if a typhoon suddenly springs up — good-bye!

A completely sunburned Pacifico Ledesma just returned from a similar trip in a 60-ton batel — 7 days going, 8 days returning. Conditions in Negros were bad due to guerilla activity, he said. Pacifico bypassed one town after hearing that guerrillas ambushed and killed 18 Japanese there the day before. Four civilians died in the action. On hearing that Maurice was headed there, he said, "Bad place — you can't be neutral there and you get shot no matter which side you take."

The Japanese in Manila continue to look for big houses in choice locations for their civilians and officers, ousting the residents on short notice. Not even Germans and Spaniards are spared, as the Otto's from Sam Wilson's house and the Ygoa's were evicted. Mrs. Forrest Myers and her 3 children still had two weeks left of leave from Santo Tomas when she was given 48 hours to vacate.