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August 17, 1942

Executive Order 77 forms "Neighborhood Associations" organized for "protection." Five to fifteen families can form an N.A. and ten of those make a District Association. The N.A. Leader must report the presence of bandits to the Constabulary and woe to anyone harboring a criminal.

Radio Tokyo just said that the Allies' offensive in the Solomons and position around Australia is "so miserable the Japanese people can sympathize with the Anglo-Americans." "Australia is now cut off completely" for the umpteenth time. "America has not only become an orphan in the Pacific; its chances of launching a counterattack in the Pacific is now ended." Next they'll announce the war is over!

A blustering 6-foot Japanese officer entered our store and bought a sweater. When I handed him the receipt he objected to the "Manila-New York Dry Goods Store" print in our stationary. "No more New York," he said, brandishing his sword. He crossed off New York and wrote "Manila-Tokyo" several times before storming out. But Manila-New York it shall remain — we have 7,000 newly printed slips like that.