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August 16, 1942

Heard more funny radio stories. According to reports, more than 90% of listeners only listened to KZRH — nobody listens to San Francisco! Will the Japanese believe them? I understand that almost half reported their sets were out of order; some I know purposely ruined their radios so as to assure them peace.

The Tribune's quotes of Homma in Japan contradict his speeches here:

Filipinos are cooperating.... The general said that when the entire American force in the Philippines surrendered, the Filipinos made a complete about face in their attitude toward Japan, manifesting reliance on Japan for their independence.

The Sunday News says "With the annihilation of the enemy fleet, only a small enemy force is left on one of the Solomon Islands, completely cut off and helpless without either transports or warships." It's the first Japanese admission that U.S. troops did land on the Solomons and are still holding out 7 days after the battle commenced.