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August 11, 1942

Tribune: "Germany Hails Japanese Victory" in the Solomon Islands.

Well-informed circles have declared that command of the western Pacific has completely fallen into Japanese hands as a result of the naval battles which has secured for Japan complete freedom of action in that area.

The Tokyo headline dispatch which follows after again listing U.S. losses ends with: "Meanwhile, the Nichi-Nichi expressed the belief that the enemy will probably come back for more in desperate efforts to check the Japanese advance." That's a sure sign the U.S. fleet is still there, strong and preparing.

Admiral King admitted one U.S. cruiser was sunk, and two Allied cruisers, two destroyers and a transport were damaged, but U.S. Marines and Allied troops have landed on the Tulagi Islands. The latest news is that allied troops are holding their own despite frantic attacks. Well, Manila breathes a bit easier though many here still don't know what's happening.