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August 10, 1942

"Allied Fleet Crushed in Solomon Sea Fight." Yesterday's claims were too emphatic and fast — too many ships definitively sunk and no "probables." Tonight an angry-sounding Japanese girl, voice trembling, crisped out her words like each was a spear aimed at the enemy's heart, venom-tipped and sharp. She hoped the Allies would now not be so brazen as to claim, as they did at Coral Sea and Midway, that this too was their victory. She left no doubt that Tokyo's long-suffering patience was at an end. I only got the feeling that Tokyo is in a state of nervous collapse. That Tokyo was immediately certain of so many precisely tabulated allied losses made their claims unlikely. The ratio of ships sunk versus damaged (22:6) is the opposite of what one would expect. For each Japanese plane lost, three ships were sunk!