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August 6, 1942

The Tribune brings news of a complete Japanese about-face. "Religious Instructions in Schools is Abolished." Archbishop O'Doherty, it seems, hasn't been too cooperative.

"Many Bicycles stolen in City." One fellow thought his bike was safe chained to the lamp post in front of the Escolta police booth. A smart thief later tells the police he lost the key to the lock and could they help him break it open? Of course, here's a hammer. Twenty minutes later the real owner shows up — tough luck.

Palomar of the Harvard Club asked one of the Americans he previously shared an apartment with about fellow member Joe. He was told that Joe is one of 27 American prisoners driving trucks for the Japanese.

"Have you been able to do anything for them?" I asked somewhat foolishly.

"Yes," he answered, "I stand here on the Escolta everyday and give 'em a wink when they pass by."