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June 26, 1942 — the 200th day of the war.

Tribune: "Filipinos carrying on fight are warned ... Must surrender by end of June or suffer Punishment." Considering that the guerrilleros are risking their lives, the threat of punishment is comical.

A long article warns that the sick Filipino POWs to be released are in a pitiable state after undergoing "untold hardships." And just in case anyone is inclined to accuse the Japanese of ill treating prisoners:

It was well known that Bataan was the hotbed of malaria attacks during the closing days of the war. It was later revealed that very little food, during the hostilities, was given to Filipino soldiers. The lack of sufficient nourishment, coupled with the relentless attacks by superior Japanese forces, contributed in a large measure to the large number of Filipino soldiers who were sick at the time of surrender.... This and this alone, it was pointed out, should be blamed for the large number of Filipino casualties. [In the camps?] To believe fantastic stories of atrocities in the camps committed allegedly by the Japanese is to fly in the face of reason....
Furthermore, we gave every possible medical treatment to the prisoners in camp despite the fact that the medical personnel is not enough even to attend to the sick and wounded of the Japanese themselves.... This is an act of mercy....

The facts are that the Japanese prevented Filipinos from sending food, doctors and medicines into the camps, and are therefore responsible for the thousands who died in captivity.