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June 9, 1942 — "Bohol Occupied"

Tribune: "Japan's successes in Six Months Told," and on the same page, "Brilliant Victories of Japan During Last Six Months Reviewed." First it's told then reviewed — that's coverage for you.

The resounding U.S. victory at Midway isn't getting the mention it deserves here due to the news of the executions. Conversations are indirect and clipped. A typical comment goes: "Que paliza, eh?" [What a drubbing.] "Midway" is never mentioned — the Japanese would slay you if they heard it. People are a bit on edge. I've buried the first four notebooks of my diary, wrapped watertight and stuffed in a biscuit tin along with P650 genuine and Joe's and my bankbooks. I'm also considering taking down my internal antenna as it's not strictly legal.