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June 8, 1942

"Another 44 Executed" — 23 for counterfeiting military currency (their pictures get published) and 21 for various anti-Japanese acts including listening to "enemy broadcasts" and disseminating "propaganda."

Of course, there was no mention of Midway. The Japanese planned a splendid week with offensives in the Aleutians, Midway and Australia but the last two fizzled. Subs shelled Sydney and Newcastle in what MacArthur called "nuisance raids" with the Japanese losing seven subs around Australia in one week.

Paul says the food at Santo Tomas has deteriorated a bit but at least it's served hot — quite a feat considering there are 3,200 mouths to feed. The internees get their food cards punched at breakfast (0700 - 0900) and supper (1700 - 1800). Paul does all right and occasionally skips a meal, but those who have no friends on the outside have it tough. Some sailors and civilians without any money don't even have a decent shirt.