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June 7, 1942

Midway is the word on everyone's lips today and there is new confidence in the air. Nimitz accounts of the 5-day old battle claim a lot of enemy ships destroyed, including 4 carriers with all their planes. U.S. losses are reported as "light" with one carrier hit. "You can now rejoice," he said, "a momentous victory is in the making.... Pearl Harbor has now been partially avenged. I can be pardoned if I say we are Midway on our road...."

Later: My head is spinning after listening to the Japanese English broadcast. After a glowing account of the first six months of this war, I was sure they couldn't admit defeat at Midway. It was victory after victory after victory for the "invincible" Japanese.

A local magazine has a rollicking article on "Filipino impressions of the Japanese soldier off-duty." A waiter's account says they are quiet and well mannered. "They seldom leave me a tip, but I like them." Well, last night at Maryanne's in San Luis Street, Ignacio Mañero was dancing with his girlfriend when a drunken Japanese officer unsheathed his sword, pricked Ignacio in the back and picked on the girl. Not satisfied, he pushed her away with his sword and turned to Iggy — backing him against the wall and making stabbing and head-chopping gestures. Iggy was all sweat and growing limp by the second when two Japanese officers arrived to save the night. Now the boys swear they'll never take girls out again.