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June 10, 1942

Tokyo finally got around to mentioning the Aleutians and Midway, and for the first time couldn't claim a victory. They say they sunk one Hornet class and one Enterprise class carrier plus downed 120 planes, while admitting the loss of one carrier and having another "badly damaged." They just couldn't admit that a third carrier was hit. One cruiser was "seriously crippled" and 35 planes are "still missing" (200 short of actual losses).

Mrs. McMicking provided confirmation of recent POW movements. She went to Capas to try to see her ailing son Albert. Denied entrance, she camped near the main highway and it was there that she saw 80 truckloads of sick Americans leave the camp and 1,500 Americans entrain for Cabanatuan. She didn't see her son but saw my brother Joe and said he looked well.

For three days now I've been passed by three truckloads of POWs as they head to "work" around 0830 and return at 1800. I saw them again this morning; the POWs standing in the open trucks must've been getting a kick from the heavy rain because one let out a cowboy whoop — probably his first good yell in weeks.