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March 16, 1942

A map of northern Australia in La Vanguardia shows bombs over Broome, Wyndham, Darwin, and the latest target — an island in the Torres Strait. Port Moresby got it too — for the 13th time.

The Japanese may have reversed their policy of returning people to the southern provinces. A family that boarded a boat in Batangas for the Visayas was intercepted off Marinduque Island and interned for five days. After two days without food they got permission to retrieve some from their boat. When that ran out they were allowed to re-embark for Manila. "Visayas? Impossible," barked one Japanese officer. "Not until the end of the war."

The Tribune quoted Washington's announcement of allied losses in the Java Sea battles, omitting mention of Japanese losses. It's clear though that Japan won the battle.