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March 18, 1942

Among the regular clients of the Astoria is a Japanese civilian, ex-manager of the Cebu branch of Mitsui, now manager of NARIC, which the Japanese took over recently. Schaer asked him how he could get some flour. He was told that it could only be sold to registered bakeries that had to sell certain sized loaves at fixed prices. Can he get some from Australia? "Ah, but we haven't taken Australia yet," replied the Japanese. "Anyway, pretty soon there'll be no flour for anybody." He also admitted that they were seriously concerned about the lack of milk, as they are not able to bring any into the country.

I was expecting a big propaganda splash in La Vanguardia on MacArthur's appearance in Australia, but it wasn't mentioned at all. The Japanese appear to be surprised at how easily MacArthur slipped away from under their very noses. It's the talk of the town. We are more relieved than disappointed.