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August 14, 1945

Following Radio Tokyo's 1500 announcement that the Allied reply was satisfactory to Japan sans qualifications (the Emperor will stay), MFP put out an extra with only three words on the front page: "IT'S ALL OVER." Some 16,700 Americans [mostly POWs] are "to be liberated on Japanese surrender." The total is incomplete but I'm hoping that Joe will be one of them.

One of MacArthur's guards: "You know, some of the boys in this Army just hate his guts."

— "Why?" I asked. "From all I've heard throughout the war, the general has what it takes."

— "You know," he said, "I've been getting around to thinking the same thing lately."

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August 20, 1945

Gen. Sunderland met the Japanese delegation that arrived in Nichols yesterday. They were taken to the City Hall, stripped of their swords and medals, and led to the conference table at 2100. MacArthur here was pretty mad last night according to Henderson: "Almost blew the lid off his house." Mac exclaimed: "'They [the Japs] are going to do what I say and not what they say!'" Hendy went on guard at the City Hall last night, "just in case." The conference broke up at 0200 and resumed today.

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August 23, 1945

Asked Major Graham and Colonel Egbert about news of the POWs, especially my brother Joe. No one could give me anything definite other than the sick would be brought here first. I don't even know if Joe is alive. I'd hate to be married on September 2 and have him appear the following week.

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