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June 12, 1945

MFP: Aussies invade North Borneo, landing at four places near Brunei Bay. MacArthur went ashore and made his usual speech: "The enemy invader has definitely lost the war of strategy on the Southwest Pacific," he said. Actually they lost the whole war long ago.

According to Hans, MacArthur will close the Philippine Campaign in August and leave the mopping up to us. About 75,000 Japanese are left in the country, including 25,000 regulars and 20,000 irregulars in the Cagayan Valley. The Filipinos lost around 5,000 dead in the first Bataan campaign and about 17,000 have been lost in this one ... with many more to come.

The MFP Editorial is on Philippine aid: "There is still a war to be fought, and won, and ... above all, the armed services necessarily must have priority on shipping." I might add that that includes returning soldiers home from Europe. All kidding aside, the Americans are feeding seven million Germans there. They're certainly feeding them here too!

Post: "Confesor Rapped" — it was only a matter of time. Rep. Juan V. Borra (Iloilo) and Rep. Nicolas Rafols (Cebu) ganged up on him. The House even had to strike some of Rafol's words. Borra said Confesor would have been killed in his own province had he not left [after liberation].

"The People's Show" and "Open Secrets" columns of the Philippine Press go after Roxas, the latter implying Roxas favored freedom for his colleagues penned up in Palawan. While on that subject, The Star Reporter (formerly Guerilla) says the Visayans ruled the roost at Congress; there were even two Ilocanos there. Where were the Tagalogs? Palawan.

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