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June 11, 1945

Japanese losses in the Philippines now total 392,116, according to the MFP. Last week saw 5,911 killed and 725 taken prisoner against 172 Americans killed, 4 missing and 855 wounded. The reason for the difference is given in special bold type: "Our forces are overrunning Japanese positions so fast the enemy [is] being caught sitting [and unable] to retreat." It's a typical MacArthur communiqué, coming after several months of grind in the entrance to the Cagayan Valley. The difference, of course, is due to the overwhelming superiority of arms and equipment. In San Jose, Cabanatuan sector, a native was explaining how the towns had been completely ruined. "There were a couple of Japs here ... and the Americans found out," he said, not trying to disguise his chagrin.

A million pounds of food were rationed last week, which isn't good propaganda as over a million are getting it ... just under one pound each. Aliens, including Germans, will be getting 10-1/2 lbs. each for only P3.70 — about 2,000 calories daily ... and of higher quality stuff. Aliens are even getting milk sugar and flour, which the Filipinos aren't getting at all.

I've read too many articles about Tydings urging a "gift" of $100,000,000 to the country. It's more of an obligation than a gift.

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