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June 9, 1945

Special Session opens today and OsmeƱa will address the group at 1600. Of 98 representatives and 24 senators who took their oath of office on December 30, 1941, one representative and two senators are known dead, eleven representatives and one senator are missing, and seven of each are being detained by the CIC.

Manilans are growing tired of war news, politics, waiting for stalled business permits or job opportunities. Everyone's patience is wearing thin, including the Navy's, according to some reports, which have them kicking out a few homeowners a la Japanese!

Yep, strains are bound to occur now and then. Santamaria is fed up because the WACS always pick on him to dance because he's the only civilian in the party (and married). When someone mentioned that the WACS and Army folks are tiring of each other, another remarked: "And we're getting tired of both." Then there's the scandal of an Army officer who went to the house of a distinguished family to ask for the hand of ... not the daughter ... but her maid. Incidentally, someone is trying to get Santamaria "processed." He's clean ... must be the new Buick.

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