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June 6, 1945

The estimate of Emergency Notes issued during the Occupation is 160 billion pesos — about 100 billion of which will probably be redeemed. The rest will become collector's items someday.

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June 7, 1945

Roxas For President clubs are sprouting all over the place. He's being asked to head the Rehabilitation Mission to Washington. If so, he'll return suitably strengthened to campaign for the election. "Never mind," says Osmeña, "I'll run ... on national and not personal reasons."

Bank accounts are still blocked unless you are an American, British, Russian or French National. To unfreeze them, first you have to get a local license. Then you go to the US Treasury here to repeat the process all over again.

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June 8, 1945

"Bamban Freed" — Cental Luzon

Every day brings fresh accounts in the press of guerilla accomplishments during the occupation, with recognition and decorations for their leaders.

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