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May 27, 1945

Francisco B. Icasiano, former Tribune reporter and writer better known as Mang Kiko of My Nipa Hut, and later Maharajah, was killed by guerrilleros in Antipolo when he fled there two months ago with some Japanese correspondents. His 14-year-old son also died in Malate during the battle.

Chronicle joke: A Malacañan fellow asks another: "What is a collaborator?"

"My dear provinciano," came the reply, "a collaborator is a bloke who collaborated more than we did."

An MDN article by Spencer Davis quotes Sylvia Bleuler about her trek through the Baguio mountains:

We all suffered from dysentery; we were in constant danger as well for the Japs warned us that everyone — women and children as well — would be executed if they attempted to reach American lines. We had to go on. If we stayed in Baguio it would mean death from American bombs.

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May 28, 1945

It's official: Roxas will run for President against Osmeña, promising us the most exciting elections since the Quezon versus Roxas-Osmeña ticket in the thirties. Roxas is a Visayan too, but he stuck it out in the Tagalog region during the occupation and earned the stigma of collaboration, becoming one of them by association. The Tagalog votes will be crucial.

The first boat carrying civilians from Manila to the Visayas left recently. To get on one today, you need to have at least two cousins in Malacañan.... I merely mention it in passing.

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