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May 23, 1945

"Osmeña's arrival delayed again" — third straight delay for unstated reasons. Congress is threatening to organize, "in defiance of Osmeña" — ahead of the 100-day grace period for Congress to convene, which expires tomorrow.

Osmeña and Tydings did arrive at 1535 today, the former, according to preliminary reports, riding-in on a big Packard and sitting all alone in the back. The motorcade had five cars and jeeps with submachine-gun-armed guards in front and another five behind. (MacArthur never had such an escort.) Machado heard shooting coming from two separate directions near Malacañan at 2200.

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May 24, 1945

A Quezon quote, according to "a very high Commonwealth official," who left with him:

It is very necessary that those who would pretend sincere collaboration with the Japs should occupy the key positions in the Government to prevent their falling into the hands of General Ricarte, the Ganaps, and the Sakdalistas.... Fulfill your duty while waiting for the aid that is sure to come.

Quezon did leave instructions but they weren't precise or detailed.

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